5 Free Shopify Apps That Work Great Together With Your Pricing Strategy
Deciding to join Shopify was a smart choice. It’s easy to set up your online store and the platform you use will never let you down. You don’t need to worry about the hosting of your site, how to decrease the loading time of your page, what software to use to publish your products, and many other things self-hosted eCommerce stores do on daily basis.
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Shopify has grown to over 50 thousand users since its inception. Some of these people added Shopify to their already existing online communication channels and some of them decided to build their online store using Shopify from the very beginning.
The platform has some pretty cool built-in elements focused towards SEO efforts, website design, content management and data collection. This is enough to get you started and you can build a successful eCommerce business using only this set of tools, but why stop at that.
Using Shopify’s app store you’ll be able to create a highly conversion rate optimized marketing channel that works together with your pricing strategy. You’ll not only have a good looking place where you showcase your products, but also a functional sales machine that leads your customers throughout the buyer’s lifecycle.
Great deal of these apps requires a purchase or a monthly subscription, but there’s still a decent amount of them that will do the trick available for free.
The goal of this article is to show you what apps do you need, how can you use them and what will you achieve by doing this. After implementation you should be able to automate the process of client acquisition and product promotion till some extent.
Here are the most useful free Shopify apps and the ways you can use them together with your pricing strategy.
5 Free Shopify Apps That Work Great Together With Your Pricing Strategy
Table of Contents
Each eCommerce business needs its audience, simple as that. Without an audience base to promote your offer, you won’t make sales. Working on your own marketing channels that will bring audiences to your Shopify store is only the beginning.
Ranking on Google for a set of keywords and having thousands of followers on Instagram is only one side of the medal. The other side involves your audience. If you allow your followers to easily share your products on social media, you’re setting up a good base of building brand presence.
WhatShare is only one of plenty free Shopify apps that adds social share buttons to your products in the Shopify store and is one of the first things you must add to your marketing mix. In an environment where social media represent the biggest trust signal you can get on the Internet, allowing your customers to share your brand is key.
Chimpified – Build a subscribers list from day one.
Building a subscribers list is crucial if you want to build a long-term online brand. The people that subscribed to your mailing list recognize the added value you provide and started trusting you. After they subscribe, it’s up to you to build a strong relationship and be able to conduct a quality email marketing campaign after a while.
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Another reason why you should build a list of subscribers is because you’ll always want to target specific segments of your audience. You may set up different promotion offers for your subscribers and your facebook followers.
The first step of building a healthy subscribers list is by making it easy for your visitor to convert from a reader to a follower. The simplest way to do this is by using Chimpified, free Shopify app that allows your users to subscribe to your page in a single click.
Chimpified is only one of many email marketing providers. You can also use Madify, Contactify or Campagnified. Yep, they were very creative when setting up their Shopify app store names. All of these apps will allow you to create a simple opt-in form, build you that subscriber list, and send automated emails to your subscriber base.
Note: Chimpify is free for up to 12k mails per month sent to 2k users, but if you have a user base this big their pricing shouldn’t be an issue.
Yotpo Social Reviews – Customer’s feedback is what makes products sell on their own.
Who will your audience trust the most? You? Google? Other people that already tried the product? They most certainly will put the opinion of their peers in front of yours or whatever Google has to say about your product.
Your audience is smart enough to know there are million ways to push your product to the top page of Google and they are always a little sceptic of whatever you say in your promotional activities. The place they turn to for help are active communities in your niche.
Ever wondered why Reddit is so big? It’s because it offers unbiased information from average people with huge experience about the matter in hand.
Learn from Reddit. Make your own site a little community where your audience will be able to transfer their experience with other users. Comments are not enough anymore, especially if you’re in the eCommerce sector.
Yotpo Social Reviews, as the very name suggests, is a tiny yet powerful Shopify app that will provide you with all the elements you need to receive real-time customer reviews from your user base. If this isn’t enough, the app has a built-in option that makes social sharing extremely simple.
Better Coupon Box – Make your customers feel like they’re actually saving with your product.
No matter the initial pricing strategy you plan to use, promotional offers will be a part of it at some point and you should get prepared for this.
Better Coupon Box is a Shopify app that provides you with the set of tools to create a user friendly popup window that will showcase the promotional offer you’re running right now.
Choosing the right price on the other hand is something that RooJet will help you achieve, putting the guessing game out of the picture.
Facebook Store – Reduce the number of click necessary for a purchase.
It’s quite possible your Facebook audience will want to make a purchase right away. They’ve found your Facebook page and are ready to buy. One of the biggest mistakes you can make is not including your shop as an integrated part of your page.
The whole point of using different promotional channels, besides building a user base, is to make your products available from different online points.
Besides the Facebook Store app you can also check out the Twitter Buy Now app and the Pinterest Buyable Pins app. They will all improve the presence of your products on these social media channels and increase your conversion rates.
How All of This Connects With Your Pricing Strategy
The apps we listed in this article are all great, but they mean nothing without a good pricing strategy. They will help you promote your products and improve the communication you have with your audience, but the most important thing they’ll provide is data.
When you know how your audience behaves on social media and how your subscribers got to your page it’s easier to decide the price range for your products.
After you get things going this set of apps will need to work in accordance with your pricing strategy so you can get to a point where most of your work with the maintenance of your shop is automated.
To better explain what we’re talking about let’s go through a short example.
- Setup an online store with Shopify.
- Set prices with RooJet free trial.
- You see that one of your products is getting high number of shares on Pinterest thanks to WhatShare.
- The picture you’re using for this product is different from your other products, so you update your media library with similar images for your entire offer.
- You add Pinterest Buyable Pins because your products do well on this social medium.
- The traffic you get from Pinterest starts buying your products and being an active community they are, they start placing customer reviews on your Shopify site.
- After this you add your store to your Facebook page.
- Thanks to the images and the customer reviews, your Facebook store starts getting some direct purchases.
- While making the purchase people from Facebook decide to subscribe to your page because they’ve already recognized the value of your product thanks to all of those positive customer reviews.
- Now you have a list of subscribers and data about the products they’ve purchased.
- You start using Better Coupon Box to promote offers to new customers and send different offers to your email list, just to make them feel special, but you make sure that everybody knows about this.
What you think about all of this? Can you really make your Shopify store an automated sales beast? Or at least semi-automated. Share your experience with Shopify and promotional activities in the comment box bellow.
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